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How to use AI Suggestions in Content Harmony

Content Harmony provides AI Suggestions throughout our workflow.

Like any AI-generated content, your team can use these suggestions as-is, but we highly recommend you customize them to match your writing style and make your content more engaging.

Here are a few things you should remember when using AI Suggestions in the Content Harmony workflow.

AI Suggestions are intended as a starting point

AI-generated content should be treated as a starting point, not the final product.

Content Harmony's AI Suggestions should not replace human creativity and innovation. While AI can help generate ideas and content, it's important to put in the effort to ensure your content is accurate and high quality.

AI Suggestions need to be modified to fit your brand

AI can be a powerful tool for brainstorming and ideation, but it's important to ensure that the AI-generated content aligns with your brand's voice and stance on the topic.

Example: AI Heading Suggestions for an article about "how to build a deck" may suggest headings that recommend using cedar or Trex planks. If your company is a competitor to those products, you'll obviously want to alter these types of recommendations.

AI Suggestions may need to be fact-checked

While AI-generated content can help save time, it's important to have a human in the loop to review and edit the content. This will help ensure that the content is high-quality, unique, and engaging.

Example: Our AI Suggestions for an article about "trends in Javascript development" may suggest trends or ideas that are now out of date. It may also make suggestions that are no longer accurate due to changes in technology.

Content Harmony will be transparent with all AI-generated suggestions

In general, there are 4 types of data you'll find in Content Harmony:

  1. Scraped Data - This is data we report to you directly from the source, such as a search result or a competitor URL we're analyzing.
  2. Third Party Data - This is data we pull from third-party partners and vendors. For example, our link metrics are provided by Moz.
  3. Calculated Data - These are proprietary Content Harmony metrics that we create based upon scraped data. For example, our Domain Difficulty and Link Difficulty metrics are based upon underlying link data we pull from Moz.
  4. AI-Generated Data - This is data suggested by our AI providers, such as OpenAI & GPT-3.

To make sure it's clear to your team when we're using AI-generated suggestions for your content, we'll typically include labels like ✨ AI Suggested Headings in the following example:

Example of AI Suggestions inside of Content Harmony

We want your feedback on our AI Suggestions

In the future, we may implement new features to allow users to provide feedback on our AI Suggestions, such as a rating system or the ability to flag content that doesn't meet your standards.

For now, please ping us in live chat if you encounter any AI Suggestions that are concerning, glitchy, or unexpected, and we can take a closer look.

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