Each time your Content Harmony subscription renews, you'll automatically get an email that looks like this:

The subject line should be "Your receipt from Content Harmony #1234-1234" or close to that. The emails should come from invoices+statements@contentharmony.com.
Attached to that email you'll find PDF copies as well:

How to change the email address for billing:
We automatically add the person who created your team as the primary billing contact.
So if Jane Doe set up your account and added 5 team members, and John Doe added the credit card details, our software will still set Jane Doe as the default recipient for billing records.
We can also add additional billing contacts to receive emails from Stripe. Please reach out in live chat to add those to your account.
We don't currently allow you to change this automatically in your dashboard, but, we will do so in the future.
Can you resend invoice copies?
Yes, please reach out in live chat and let us know which payments/dates you need, and we can resend those to whatever email address you like.
In the future we will add self-serve invoice copies into our dashboards.
Can I get an invoice copy with my company, address, or VAT details?
No problem, please reach out in live chat and let us know what info you need added to the invoice and we can generate that for you.
Can I get an invoice copy for my $10 demo payment?
You should already have a copy from us in your inbox that looks similar to the example above. If you need address or company data added to it, please reach out in live chat.