The starting point of our workflow, every Content Brief or Content Grading process starts with a Keyword Report.
Are you tired of opening up 20 browser tabs and 5 tools just to figure out how to rank for one keyword?
We used to spend nearly 90 minutes on average to build a content brief.
Most of that time was spent looking at the SERP, opening up competitors, doing follow up searches, looking up data in tools...
It was exhausting. And worst of all, after we did all of that, we had to manually copy and paste a bunch of data into a Google Docs template.
Our entire workflow was designed to fix that by gathering all of those browser tabs and tool lookups into a scannable-but-comprehensive report.

What does a great Keyword Report include?
Every Keyword Report we deliver contains the following sections:
- Search Intent
- Topic Analysis
- Competitor Outlines
- Questions
- Authoritative Sources
- Competitor Analysis
- Image/Visual Analysis
- Videos
Let's walk through all of the data we give you in each section.
Here's what makes our Keyword Reports powerful
They're not just static reports.
Almost everything in them is highlightable, like this:

That's not just a nifty trick we dropped in - when you highlight things in your Keyword Report, they magically show up inside of your Content Brief:

These highlights show up on almost every tab of our Keyword Reports.
This is where Content Harmony's workflow feels like magic.
We're not just building some crappy AI that tries to tell you what to do (though we will mix it in when it makes sense).
We're building a way faster way to complete your current workflow using technology to get rid of the boring parts.
Having a well paid marketing strategist spending an hour copy and pasting stuff is stupid - we minimize all of that tedious stuff.
Most of our customers can turn their 90-minute workflow into a 10-20 minute process.
Content Harmony helps you spend more time thinking about how to make your content awesome, and not doing grunt work that our robots could do for you. 🤖
👉 Get Your First 10 Briefs For $10
Want to learn more about our workflow?
Check out our feature pages explaining how our Content Briefs and Content Grader work.