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AI Overviews in your Keyword Reports

Content Harmony now displays AI Overviews that we spot in search results right inside the Search Intent tab of your Keyword Report.
🦸 Contributors: Kane Jamison
📅 Last Updated:
⏱ 2 min read

Content Harmony will now display AI Overviews that we spot in search results right inside the Search Intent tab of your Keyword Report:

Content Harmony's rendering of the AI Overview from 'steps for boiling eggs'

We have tried to format these similarly to what you'll encounter in actual SERPs, while also making it easy to review Reference URLs that are being cited.

Here's the 'natural' version of the AI Overview shown above.

Original AI Overview from 'steps for boiling eggs' shown in Google

Our AI Overview previews are resizable if you need to zoom out, since we've seen results that have 300+ words of content and 45! citations.

A resized AI Overview showing a video result as well.

Sometimes Google doesn't display AI Overviews correctly due to various LLM errors. When that happens, we'll still let you know that Google tried to display an AI Overview and that you should take a look in your own browser.

How Content Harmony handles AI Overview errors.

It's also common for Google to offer an AI Overview but require further user interaction before displaying it. In that case we'll display a similar message prompting the user to go take a look in their own browser.

We'll give you a quick jump link to inspect the search result further.

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Kane Jamison

Kane is the founder of Content Harmony, a content marketing platform that helps you build better content briefs. Schedule a demo to chat with him personally about your team's content workflow.

Website: https://www.kanejamison.com

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